I noticed this large shiny sign in the window of Ray’s Pizza, beside the Foggy Dew at the Central Bank. Three euro for a slice of cheese pizza, and four for a pepperoni slice! Sheesh… A full pizza in most similar places might be around the €10 mark, and contain, let’s say, six slices. So Ray’s, to put it kindly, costs at least double what it should. Perhaps it’s amazingly high-quality?
I spent a summer in Vancouver, Canada as a student and lived on $1 slice pizzas. They were grand, with some offering especially good value for your dollar. Is there anything that comes close here?
The site now occupied by Ray’s has seen off numerous fast-food joints, and they’ve all been terrible at best. But no doubt somebody will let me know if I’ve committed a terrible error and Ray’s is actually the best pizza this side of New York.