Category: Drinks
Recipes: Hot Hooch
I religiously consult the ‘Going up – Going down’ section of the Sunday Times style magazine to keep abreast of what’s hip and what’s not. Naturally I don’t follow any of their advice but reading their checklist of what to wear, eat, listen to, buy and avoid is titillating stuff. If I did follow their…
Loose Tea versus Tea Bags
For years, I’ve heard people banging on about the merits of loose-leaf tea versus tea bags and I thought to myself – surely there’s better things to talk about. It turns out there isn’t! Loose tea is so much better than bagged and I want to tell the world – I can’t believe it’s taken…
Sour Grapes in the Sunday Tribune
Our favourite wine blogger Lar Veale has started a new weekly column in the Sunday Tribune – check it out for great recommendations for affordable wines. He also suggests food pairings: handy! Lar blogs about wine at
Cheap(ish) Booze for Christmas?
Like many people, I’ll be looking to buy a few bottles of sweet, sweet booze for Christmas. I only need to pick up a few for gifts and for the house, and don’t have a large enough order to warrant a trip to the North. While doing some shopping in Dublin city yesterday I was…
Tis the season to be smelly
The older I get, the more debilitating hangovers get. They can be outrageously painful and quite often I become really stupid; I have been known to walk into walls, even run into them. What’s worse is during Christmas I usually meet up with people I haven’t seen in ages and instead of being witty and…
Halloween Hot Spicy Chocolate
This is a warming little recipe to serve up to your kids and kidults alike on Halloween evening after you’ve been out on a hard night’s trick-or-treating. Although I know all our cheapeats readers are extremely on the ball, I am nevertheless obliged to point out the following: Kid version – less spice, no alcohol.…
No More Palette Panic
Jacqueline Strawbridge has just joined the team. She is currently deputy editor of Love Food with the Irish Independent, with articles published in the Irish Times and the Evening Herald Wedding Guide. She loves good food, and is probably happiest when she’s cooking – she’ll be sharing some of her culinary secrets and foodie…
More Guinness Inspired Recipes for Arthur’s Day
You can follow up the Carbonade of Beef with a Guinness Black and White Chocolate Mousse that looks like your very own mini pint. Serves six. Guinness Black and White Chocolate Mousse: Ingredients: 230g dark chocolate (around 70% cocoa) 170g white chocolate 1/2 cup butter 1/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup Guinness 3 large eggs, separated…
Guinness Gastronomy for Arthur’s Day: Carbonade of Beef
There are all sorts of shenanigans going on to celebrate Arthur’s day with a hefty line-up set to play. Okay, essentially it’s probably the biggest marketing coup ever but it’s still kind of nice to salute the black stuff. Even if you’re not a Guinness drinker, you can still toast the occasion by cooking up…