Category: Price Comparisons
Home-made bread: is it worth it?
Irish mammies are masters of multi-tasking, as we know. From speaking with a mouthful of pins on the phone on their shoulder to turning off and on a faulty computer as they boil a chicken. It’s all go. The one thing they’re really good at is making brown bread when the oven is on. I’ve…
Don’t waste your money on organic fruit and veg
Overheard middle-class conversation: “I really want to switch to all organic fruit and veg – it’s just so expensive.” “Sometimes I feel really guilty buying non-organic,” said the other woman. “It’s just so bad for the environment.” “Can’t be good for your health either. All those toxins.” They’re both wrong. Organic isn’t better for…
Solved! The mystery of Lidl and Aldi’s best before dates
On the whole, Lidl and Aldi have great value fruit and veg. Lidl especially carries the more unusual produce like celeriac and fennel. However, it used to bug me when I’d take home a punnet of cherry tomatoes to find the bottom layer all fusty or I”d discover that a courgette was rotting when I…
Nespresso Machines in Pricewatch
The ever-deadly Irish Times Value for Money feature by Conor Pope featured Nespresso machines this week. I recently had the use of one, and think they’re an interesting topic for a discussion on ‘value’, as the whole concept strikes me as one of the most wasteful things I’ve ever seen, ever. The three biggest issues…
Which own brands do you use?
I’m drawn to some great half price offers in Dunnes this week – but not on food. Finish Dishwasher tablets are down from €16.99 to €8.49, while a big giant value pack of Bold Two in One is down from €25.99 to €12.99. When it comes to household items such washing powder and dishwasher tablets,…
Pricewatch article on own brand products
In today’s Pricewatch, Conor Pope discusses the growth of own-brand products in Irish supermarkets, and points the way towards thousands of euro in annual savings. An interesting and useful article.
Price comparisons: Tesco vs. Donnybrook Fair
I might be missing something here. Over the past few years, luxury expensive food shop Donnybrook Fair has been popping up all over wealthy Dublin suburbs. Most recently, they’ve appeared up in Stillorgan shopping centre, right beside Tesco (on a side note, I wonder what Stillorgan’s anchor tenant thinks of its new neighbour). It doesn’t seem…
Too much for a fish supper?
My aunt and uncle recently visited from Derry. They’d been washed out at the Laytown races and, disappointed with the lack of decent food options on offer, decided to come straight down and pick up a bag of fish and chips. Although I’ve whined about the cost of of a bag of chips, we do…
New ice cream at Aldi
Update: The ice cream is only €2.29, not €2.99. My bad. That’s purdy good value. Tried and tested on a jury of our peers: Aldi’s new ice-cream range. And the result – more reasons to love Aldi. Coming in three flavours – Madagascan vanilla, caramel fudge, and the pièce de résistance, triple chocolate – each…
Product review: M&S Mexican selection
M&S recently sent me some items from their new Mexican selection, and it’s confirmed my new found grá for this cuisine. I’m consuming large amounts of burritos and fajitas lately; I ate out at Boojum earlier this week, I’m a big fan of Pablo Picante’s and Taco Taco, and I’m looking forward to trying out…