Milano’s New Leggera Pizza

milano-leggera01This week, Milano very kindly invited us to try out a new menu item that they are currently promoting: the Leggera Pizza, an interesting new low-fat pizza and salad combination.  I brought my friend and hero Geordie Sue along to try it out.  I was in the throes of a manky cold, and Sue was suffering from a World of Warcraft hangover, so neither of us were in tip-top eating form, but we really enjoyed our lunch nonetheless.

The Leggera is a pizza with the centre of the dough removed and a salad placed in the centre.  It meets both your carb and veggie cravings, and Milano say that each one comes in at roughly 500 calories.  The Leggera comes in three varieties, at an average price of €13:

(from the Milano menu)

milano-lilyThe pizzas were good.   The cheese wasn’t covering the whole surface as with a normal pizza, but dotted in discs, which accounts in part for the lower fat content.  My only quibble is that the dressing on my salad wasn’t very nice: it tasted like there was salad cream in it.  Salad cream is a very very bad thing, as all sensible people will agree.

Overall, I think the Leggera is a good idea: a great option for those who want a low-fat choice when eating out, or who fancy a lighter lunch that won’t plunge them into a food coma all afternoon.  I predict that this will be popular with the ladies.

I’d also like to once more praise the kids’ menu at Milano – at three courses for the youngsters for only €8.60, it’s tremendous value.  My tiny nutcase ate everything that was put in front of her, loved the colouring book (as did I) and even finished off with a ‘bambinoccino’.  Hmmm. Have I inadvertently sowed the seeds of a latte habit that I will end up having to pay for?  Oh no.