Nominations for the Irish Blog Awards are open

irish-blog-awardsThe Irish Blog Awards for 2010 are open for nominations, you can pick your favourite blogs on their website now. The Irish Blog Awards are a great initiative, in that they’re open to votes from the public, and don’t charge exorbitant amounts to enter or flog massively overpriced tickets for the awards show itself, like some web awards I could mention. They’re great, and I’m not just saying that because we were finalists in the Best Food and Drink Blog category last year (we got handed a well-deserved whupping by the excellent Daily Spud).

It’s a good opportunity to nominate some of your favourite Irish blogs – mine are Maman Poulet, Twenty Major, Pricewatch, Public Inquiry,, Sour Grapes, Oxfam’s Climate Change Blog and many, many more.  Irish blogging, dead?  Pah.

Of course, we’re not hinting that you should nominate us this year, or anything…*puts hands in pockets, whistles, wanders off, looks back expectantly…*