Pauper’s Pizza

It was actually quite nice
It was actually quite nice

The other day I came home from work and looked in the fridge. I had nothing to eat. NOTHING. And my pay cheque is not due for another week. I was really hungry. After sitting on the sofa for a full ten-minute huff, I went back to the fridge and looked again. There must be something, anything I could eat. It couldn’t be like last month, when I had porridge with a teaspoon full of sickly Chiver’s jam in it.

There was: a whole, oldish (but not rotten) green pepper. A half of a red pepper. The end of a tube of tomato puree. Some cheese. Two slices of wholemeal bread. A determined search in my ‘store-cupboard’ (read – place to stuff thousands of bottles of untaken vitamin pills) yielded a tin of tuna; I could have wept for joy. The bloodsugars were going crazy. This is what I made, duly christened ‘Pauper’s Pizza’.


Two slices of wholemeal bread

1 small green pepper

1/2 red pepper

1 tin of tuna

Some cheese

1tsp of tomato puree


Cook peppers in oven at 220 degrees for 15 mins – peel off the blackened skin to reveal lovely, softened, juicy peppers. Slice them up. Spread some tomato puree on two slices of wholemeal bread, and throw over some olive oil. Layer up the tuna, roasted peppers, and finish with cheese. Bake in oven for 15 minutes, at 180.

Now I’m not proud of this…(I can’t even bring myself to call it a recipe)..but I AM proud of feeding myself eloquently with barely any ingredients. Now, tell me your desperado recipes – has anything startling revealed itself?