A couple of Saturdays ago I hauled myself out of bed, ate breakfast on autopilot and headed out to Rozanne Stevens’ An Introduction to Healthy Eating. It incorporated recipes from ‘A Month of Meals’ and ‘Green Living’- two weekend courses happening in the new year. I needn’t have bothered with breakfast as we were given granola, pancakes, coffee, pomegranate iced tea…
Broadcaster and cookbook author Rozanne emphasises healthy food inspired by world cuisines. Using a few key authentic ingredients she gives local produce what she calls “the ish factor”. This is basically cooking the gist of a dish without a huge shopping list. Her smoked paprika maple salmon and cashew cumin carrots were pretty much that, but tasted fantastic.
Rozanne whipped up several dishes in the impressive Miele Showrooms in Citywest. She calmly answered questions and threw out nuggets such as Irish oats are some of the most nutritious in the world, the colder something is the less you taste it (ie: the cheaper the white wine the longer you should chill it for), apple syrup is an excellent sweetner, Saigon cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant, dishwashers blunt graters, pink Himalayan salt is the best one, add water to woks when stir frying, cooking flax seeds just burns off their oil, #meatfreemondays brings up thousands of great vegetarian recipes, Worcester sauce can rescue anything (unless you have a fish allergy, in that case it might kill you with its anchovies), and many more.
Check her out on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or website for loads of tips and recipes and more information about her 2014 courses. I reckon Santa could squeeze a Pickling, Preserving and Fermented Foods Masterclass into his sack.