When Good Crap Goes Bad


A few months ago, I commented:

I note with regret that Dunnes have discontinued their 2 for €4.50 deal on their fresh lasagna range; they’re now €2.99 each. I don’t eat much ready meals but, weirdly, these are the best ready made lasagnas on the market.

We spoke about guilty pleasures a few weeks back. This was mine. Now, not only has the lasagna jumped in price, but they’ve rapidly detoriorated in quality.

I bought two recently, both with separate sell-by dates. Wow. For something so bland, they’re really vile. Not subjectively vile, but inedibly vile. The cheese seems gooey and even a bit curdled. So awful I assumed it must have been a bad batch and bought another one. It was the same. Avoid!

This whole deflating experience was a bit like when something declares it has a “new, improved taste.” Whether it’s a Milky Way or a packet of KP Skips, you just know they’re going to ruin it. Why oh why, I scream rather dramatically while whirling around in a circle tearing at my hair, can’t they just LEAVE OUR FOOD ALONE? Especially our favourite junk foods, as though you can or should improve on wonderfully delicious crap.

Anyway, over to you: What foods have manufacturers ruined for you?