Where have Fat Frogs gone?!

Nearly, but not quite

On some hot days a simple icepop is all you want – one or two flavours of water ice, preferably in a bright colour that stains your tongue.  No chocolate or vanilla icecream or biscuity bits, just some frozen water and chemicals please.

JRs were the best icepop of all time, with a delicious flavour that is best described as ‘red’ and an entrancing colour scheme – purple and orange and red bleeding into each other in a psychedelic fashion.  If JRs were a rock star, they’d be Jimi Hendrix.  JRs disappeared a long time ago, and I’ve more or less come to terms with my loss.

However I’m still grieving for Fat Frogs, which have suddenly disappeared completely.  Why? Why? They were popular, right? They used to be advertised on the telly and everything!  They were perfectly delicious and refreshing, and as my genius friend Tara discovered, very good for hangovers.

Now there appears to be nothing to cater to the frozen-flavoured-water fan.  Calippos are too artificial, and Soleros are poncy and expensive.  I’ll be lynched for saying this, as everyone seems to love them, but I find Twisters a bit wrong…lime and vanilla, while separately two of my favourite flavours, have no business being together.  Loop the Loops are ok but the thin coating of cheap chocolate takes away from the purity of the water ice.

Is there anything out there? Do any supermarkets have good icepop multipacks?  I’m becoming desperate here.

By the way, if any of you feel like recreating the magical flavour of the JR, some of my resourceful colleagues invented a magic potion that gets very close indeed. Go to a bar, buy red wine and an orange Bacardi Breezer, mix them together and voila! A JR.  And the worst hangover headache of all time.